$1 Trillion Tech Stock Zombie Hoard Signaling a 2021 Sell-Off
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After recharging their batteries over the holiday break, Bryan and Karim opened 2021 on absolute fire. They hit 16 winners in a row this week! Nine were same-day winners, four were overnight, one was a two-day hold and two were held for less than eight weeks… 3.2 winners per day is how you ring in … Continued
This is our last War Room Briefing of 2020. Man, what a year it has been. A total dumpster fire in many cases. But not for the markets nor The War Room. We are finishing the year on a positive note. Through historic volatility, the Dow and S&P 500 are up 5.65% and 14.68%, respectively, … Continued
COVID-19 hospitalizations in the U.S. weren’t the only thing that broke a record this week… Cyber Monday brought in a record $10.8 billion for U.S. e-commerce businesses – up 15% over last year’s figure. The correlation is clear… Pandemic lockdowns have fueled a massive shift to shopping online versus going to potentially virus-filled brick-and-mortar businesses. … Continued
News about potential COVID-19 vaccines continued to support Mr. Market to start the week. But the rally got capped Wednesday when newly announced restrictions – including New York City ending in-person schooling – pulled investors back down to Earth. Get your stomach ready… This could be the new roller-coaster ride for markets. Anytime Moderna, Pfizer, … Continued
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