Inner Circle Report

The Post-Market Profits Strategy Guide

Your “How-To” Guide for Trading Dark Tickers

Foreword From War Room Head Trade Tactician Bryan Bottarelli

First and foremost, let me be the first to thank you for joining the Monument Traders Alliance Inner Circle.

This elite group represents the highest level of membership you can achieve, and I’m thrilled that you’ve decided to be among the very best traders, speculators and researchers in the entire world.

As part of your Inner Circle benefit package, you’ll now start receiving our proprietary “Dark Ticker” trades as part of our new Post-Market Profits service.

As we embark on this exciting journey together, I wanted to tell you just how near and dear this new service is to me – just so you can fully comprehend what you’re about to experience.

You see, I believe the introduction of the Dark Ticker will be EVEN MORE SIGNIFICANT than the day the Chicago Board Options Exchange (CBOE) was created.

On April 26, 1973, the first-ever stock option was bought on Xerox July $160 calls… and the global markets were never the same again.

Since then, trillions of dollars have been made from the introduction of options.

And today, 50 years later, options trading has continued to ignite a multidecade level of consumer demand that has surpassed the wildest imaginations.   

In short…

The popularity of options trading has had a profound impact on me and my life, and soon – thanks to the Dark Ticker – I believe it’ll have a similar impact on your life as well.

I don’t make bold statements like that lightly… 

The Dark Ticker will forever redefine how trading works… and in the process, it could make some of the early adapters who understand this unique moment fortunes beyond your imagination.

In fact, the CBOE has had such an impact on me, I have a framed picture hanging in my office – which displays the first day of trading on the CBOE.

Here it is… Check it out for yourself!

Every single day when I look at this picture, it ignites my speculative fire – and challenges me to be the best trader possible.

And today, with the creation of Post-Market Profits, you are plugged into this life-changing methodology.

So without exaggeration…

What you’re about to experience is a true game changer – something that’s been 50 years in the making…

And now I’m thrilled to have you right alongside me from the very beginning.

So with that, welcome to the Inner Circle.

The strategy guide below will explain everything you need to know about how to trade Dark Tickers.

And from this day forward, the way to trade will never be the same.

So enjoy the guidebook. Thoroughly read it over and keep it for future reference… because it’ll guide everything that we do.

And above all…

Welcome to the dark side!

Yours in smart speculation,

Bryan Bottarelli

Head Trade Tactician, Monument Traders Alliance

Post-Market Profits Strategy Guide:

Your “How-To” Guide for Trading Dark Tickers

Compiled by the Monument Traders Alliance Research Team

Below is a very substantial data set that provides the “blueprint” for how trading Dark Tickers will lead to success.

It may sound to simple… but after countless hours of research and backtesting, we arrived at an amazing discovery.

We call it the –1% indicator.

Here’s how it works…

On any given day, if the market dropped by 1% (or more), history has shown that the market moved higher – the very next day – 88% of the time.

Whether it’s one year… three years… five years… or 10 years…

That’s nearly 9 out of 10 times. This data point has held true for decades.

Clearly, this is an extremely powerful statistic.

This information – combined with the creation of Dark Tickers – is where the art form of trading can hand us fortunes beyond our imagination.

Here’s how it works…

The Dark Ticker Strategy

In short, we’ll be using Dark Tickers to trade options after the market closes at 4:00 p.m. ET.

Dark Tickers are what we call the “after-hours” version of any of the broad-based market indexes.

Here are all the symbols that currently have been granted unprecedented access to trade in the after-hours window between 4:00 p.m. ET and 4:15 p.m. ET.

Top Dark Tickers

  • SPDR S&P 500 ETF Trust (SPY)
  • Invesco QQQ ETF (QQQ)
  • SPDR Dow Jones Industrial Average ETF Trust (DIA)
  • SPDR Gold Shares (GLD)
  • iShares Russell 2000 ETF (IWM)
  • Financial Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLF)
  • Consumer Staples Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLP)
  • Utilities Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLU)
  • Energy Select Sector SPDR Fund (XLE)


Some of these names you’ll recognize – like QQQ, DIA and SPY…

Others you may not recognize – like IWM, GLD and XLF…

But here’s the breakthrough…

For the first time ever, individual investors can access a specialized, 15-minute after-hours window to trade these names – even after the closing bell has been rung.

Just recently…

A special privilege was granted to these Dark Tickers, which allows you to trade them – each trading day – from 4:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. ET.

These will be the Dark Ticker trades we use to generate overnight profits.

So here’s the process…

First, you simply wait for the market to do one specific thing: drop 1% (or more) on any given day.

Second, once the markets officially close, you make a special Dark Ticker trade within that magic 15-minute after-hours trading window.

You’ll receive an email alert from us, telling you exactly which Dark Ticker trade to make.

Note: You can also access these trade alerts from our new Command Center. Here is the area where those alerts will be posted.

(Bonus feature: You can also get trader alerts with our mobile push notifications system. You can set those up by following the directions here.)

You’ll receive a trade alert warning email 30 minutes BEFORE the close – which serves as a reminder that our parameters could be triggering. So look out for a potential trade coming at the close. These will go out only if a Dark Ticker is down 1% or more on the day – or within close range of it.

And third, if the markets gap up the next day (which happened 88% of the time over a decade of historical data), you’ll execute a predetermined exit strategy, which maximizes your returns.

This precise exit strategy is outlined for you below.

And that’s it! It’s simple, it’s effective and it’s extremely lucrative.

And best of all, it takes you only a few minutes on any given day.

After you tally up your potential winnings, you’ll get set to do it all again the next day – but ONLY if the markets drop.

As for our historical data that proves the effectiveness of this methodology, let’s examine some performance statistics…

In the table below, look at the fourth line down labeled “Signal win rate (on high).”

It shows how the indicator performed with SPY.

  • For the three-year period, it’s an 89.29% win rate.
  • For the five-year period, it’s an 87.91% win rate.
  • And in the 10-year period, it an 88.36% win rate.

These are phenomenally consistent over every time frame.

Check out the raw data below…

Let’s examine this even further…

The strategy worked astonishingly well when used with any major index we looked at.

Check out the three-year data on the Nasdaq, Dow and Russell 2000 below…

Clearly, this is a method that works in any time frame – and in any economic market environment.

That’s why we’re so excited about this new service – and we hope you are too.

So with that, let’s move into the details of how Post-Market Profits works…

Your Private, Highly Profitable Market

Most people understand that they can trade options during normal trading hours. But what they don’t yet understand is that you can now make special trades on these Dark Tickers after hours.

When you combine this after-hours bonus with our historical data – and make these trades only when you have an 88% chance of success…

That’s how YOU gain a huge advantage.

By trading these options in that window from 4:00 p.m. to 4:15 p.m. ET, we “jump the line” and take advantage of those upward “gaps” when the market opens the next morning.

Every Dark Ticker we trade is known as an 0DTE option.

In other words…

  • Zero (0)
  • Days (D)
  • Till (T)
  • Expiration (E).

On the majority of our Dark Ticker trades, you’ll typically hold the option position overnight.

In most cases, you’ll get in at the close.

And by the very next day, no later than 2:00 p.m. ET, you’ll be out.

To keep you fully informed throughout the short life span of each trade, here’s how the alerts will look…

30 Minutes Until Close: Alert

After -1% Trigger Hits: Alert

Premarket Alert the Next Day

Throughout every single trade…

We’ll never leave you hanging, wondering what to do…

If we did open a Post-Market Profits trade the prior day, we will send out an alert the next morning before the market opens (our Premarket Profit Plan Alert).

The instructions will tell you the exit strategy for the day.

And it will always follow the historical guidelines for every month of the calendar year. (We’ll show you the seasonality factor in a minute.)

For instance, on historically strong months (such February, May, August and most of the fourth quarter months), we’ll aim for 100%-plus winners overnight.

On historically weaker months (like April and July), we’ll aim for 50%-plus winners overnight unless the Dark Ticker is opening up big – which certainly happens.

No matter what, you’ll always have a clearly outlined profit plan for every single trade.

Even if the markets are NOT looking to open higher the next morning…

We’ll guide you along the way.

If the index is not up big the next morning, the profit strategy alert will instead tell you the profit target to set. And no matter what, you will close the trade (win or loss) no later than 2:00 p.m. ET the very next day.

Whether the Dark Ticker is up, down or flat, you will receive trade instructions. Just realize that you’ll unwind the trade by 2:00 p.m. ET the very next day – no matter what happens.

Sometimes, the trade will lose. On a historical basis, 12 out of every 100 will result in a loss. However, that means 88 out of 100 will win – which means that more often than not, you’ll have a big smile on your face all day long!

**Friday Market Adjustment: There is one slight adjustment to our Dark Ticker entry methodology. Due to time decay, we will not implement our -1% market trigger on Fridays. Since 0DTE options expire so rapidly, we do not want to risk a full weekend of time decay eating away at our position. As a result, we will forego initiating any new Dark Ticker trades on Friday – even if our triggers hit. However, in extreme cases, we will make a trade. For example, if we have a -5% market drop, we will consider a Friday trade, since over the last 30 years, Dark Tickers moved higher the following market day. If we ever decide to take a trade on a Friday, we will let you know. But just realize – these will be in extreme cases only. Otherwise, we will not be making any Friday trades.

Our Dark Ticker Option-Picking Secrets

As we mentioned earlier, we’ve done thorough research confirming the validity of this trading method.

One of the unexpected (but fantastic!) things we discovered about this strategy is that there is a seasonality factor…

Certain months have tended to provide more predictable profits… while other months have historically provided more profitable trades.

This information helps us determine our profit expectations and trading frequency in any given month.

For example, please take a look at this bar chart below.

It’s a 10-year evaluation of SPY, the exchange-traded fund (ETF) that tracks the S&P 500.

This seasonality bar chart provides highly useful monthly data on the system’s effectiveness.

You see that in some months the system has a higher or lower win rate.

What it’s showing is the signal’s win rate by month based on the highest price reached the day after the signal (a 1% or more drop in the S&P 500) was triggered.

You can see that May, with an amazing 100% win rate, is the best month for Dark Ticker trades. (This means that at some point the next day, the S&P 500 was higher than its closing price the day before.)

For other months… this indicator is incredibly accurate month after month.

February is the second-best month, with a signal win rate of 96.3%, followed by October’s 95.83%.

But here’s the extraordinary thing… we found a way to improve on that!  

Take a look at this chart below. It shows the 10-year average next-day maximum percentage change by month. As you can see… once again, there’s a statistical difference from month to month.

Far and away, the best month is March, with a 1.57% average.

And when the major market indexes AVERAGE a 1.57% upside move… that’s HUGE.

That’s equivalent of a 65-point blastoff on the S&P 500.

But there’s even MORE good news our research data uncovered…

The more the market goes down, the better the statistics get – and the bigger the potential gains.  

Look at the next-day high win rate if we see a 2% drop or more on all four major indexes.

This Isn’t All Backtested Theory…

We’ve Traded This Ourselves – AND WON BIG!

Unlike most trading services touting a new system…

Here at Monument Traders Alliance, we put our money where our mouth is. And that means we put our own cold, hard cash into testing this method.

This is why we’re SO CONFIDENT that it works.

For example…

Monument Traders Alliance Publisher Ryan Fitzwater volunteered to be the guinea pig and use his own money to trade the system.

(Note: Bryan told him it was a winner, but he needed to see for himself before truly buying in.)

By using the Post-Market Profits strategy for several months, Ryan has now become a believer. Although we’re not in a bull market – or even a bear market – Ryan has cashed in on winning trades of 51%, 57%, 73%, 100% and even 165%… all coming overnight.

After following the simple rules – and making the Dark Ticker trades – Ryan has now seen the power of “jumping the line” to be positioned for big profits on any given day.

And thanks to the monthly data we’ve uncovered, we’ll adjust our profit-taking plan month by month.

We’ll be more aggressive and more active in months that have historically been more predictable and more profitable – and adjusting our expectations during the slower months.

Either way… you’ll always be positioned for the best success rate when following our clearly defined methodology.

Are You Ready to Start “Dark Trading” Your Way to Success?

What we love about Post-Market Profits is that our system for selecting winning index options is based on how the market actually operates (not on my or anyone else’s personal opinions or academic theories).

This method is based on historical fact…

And it’s based on a new way to trade Dark Tickers – well before anyone catches onto their effectiveness.

Note: And even if others catch onto Dark Tickers, they still won’t realize how to trade them using our precise entry methodology. So please don’t share this with anyone else. If Bryan gets wind that you’re sharing this with others outside our group, he’ll throw a fit!

It all starts with the 1% drop index entry ticker…

And from there, everything else lines up into place.

So from this day forward, you’ll be using these time-tested indicators to materially improve your option selection and timing.

Soon, you’ll come to realize what we already know to be true…

This system provides the best market advantage we’ve ever seen.

Plus, the beauty of this strategy is you can start small.

With zero-day options, you can enter most trades for less than $500. Many will be $100 to $200 per contract, depending on the Dark Ticker.

And our backtesting showed that on some of the very best days, a Dark Ticker trade could turn $5,000 into as much as $19,400 overnight.

And remember, we’re not just getting lucky. We’re using a decade’s worth of data confirming this system works. 

So starting today…

You’ll be trading based on real data – and proven results.

I don’t know of another trading system on the planet that can claim such a high degree of success.

So with that, welcome to Post-Market Profits.

And more importantly, welcome to the Monument Traders Alliance Inner Circle.

Speaking from everyone here at the Monument Traders Alliance team, we look forward to hearing about your success.

P.S. Be sure to explore all your other membership benefits, including The War Room, Daily Profits Live, Profit Surge Trader, Catalyst Cash-Outs Live and ProfitSight.

You can find direct links to everything – all in one convenient place – by using our new Command Center. Check it out HERE.

Take Me to the Command Center!