War Open House

Next Week’s Open House

Hey, Bryan again…

I want to make sure you realize what you’ll get during our FREE PREVIEW of The War Room.

Not only can you join us every single day next week…

But the training you’ll get is top-notch…

Starting with our first day.

We are going to reveal the secrets we use to make our fastest… and biggest gains in The War Room.

Like our “Sniper Trades”…

With these trades, we get in, cash in and get out as fast as possible.

Sometimes we get in a play and then ring the register all in the same day.

Heck, sometimes it happens within the same hour.

Here are just a few examples of our best Sniper Trades.

  • A nice 73% gain on Sturm, Ruger and Co on January 6
  • A 44% gain on Fang in under two hours on May 22
  • Another solid 62% return on Lyft on April 10
  • 53% in just four minutes on Roku on September 10.

And on our Walmart play on July 7…

Members cashed in an amazing 121% gain in just one hour and 21 minutes.

But there are also longer trades…

Where you could make even more.

Like Karim’s exceptional 3,900% gain in just a month.

It starts with learning the basics about options.


If options are a little intimidating to you…

Don’t worry.

Lots of War Room members start out that way.

I think War Room member Mike C.’s experience is similar to what you’ll see in our free preview.

He said…

“I mentioned earlier that I am intimidated by options. I watched the vets in this room execute some pretty awesome option trades today, and I learned a ton in less than an hour. I guarantee you won’t get experience anything like that anywhere else.”

That’s why we are going to take 30 minutes and let you know exactly how to use options the RIGHT way to minimize risk… and maximize gains.

When you use options correctly…

They open up a whole new world for your portfolio.

You can make BIG money even on a SMALL stock move…

And you can make HUGE gains even during DOWN markets.

Options were how we were able to make money while everyone else was LOSING during the COVID Crash.

Tyler was up $4,000 even while the market was way down.

Dow way down – Best Day Ever in The War Room, up $4,020 (on 21%, 11%, 13% and 27% gains) before commissions. All winners. Thank you, B&K!

Tyler F. 3/18/2020 at 3:51 p.m.


One trader made $8,000 in one day…

While everyone else cries, I’m up $8K (on 16%, 12%, 24% and 43% gains) today.

Mount P. 3/16/2020 at 2:31 p.m.


And Sandra woke up to 400% gains overnight!

In DXD at $1.15, out at $4.60.
Sandra 2/28/2020 at 10:14 a.m.


If you want the ability to extract money from the market – even when everyone else is drowning in a sea of red…

Don’t miss even the first day’s training session.

But remember…

You get FIVE days of free training.

Here’s the schedule again (all times ET):

  • Monday, April 12, 2 p.m.: Options 101: How We Trade for Daily Gains (Intro to Calls and Puts)
  • Tuesday, April 13, 2 p.m.: Overnight Trades: Setting Up a LIVE Trade in Real Time
  • Wednesday, April 14, 2 p.m.: LEAPS: Play Your Favorite Stocks With Less Money Down
  • Thursday, April 15, 2 p.m.: Cluster Buying: Following Insiders for Profits
  • Friday, Aril 16, 11 a.m.: Covered Calls: Extra Income From Your Favorite Stocks (Even if They DON’T Go Up)

Don’t miss a single day!

And remember…

As part of our FREE PREVIEW…

You can join us ANY TIME you want between 9 a.m. and 4 p.m. next week.

We’ll see you then!

Yours in smart speculation,

Bryan Bottarelli Signature

Bryan Bottarelli, Head Trade Tactician
Monument Traders Alliance

P.S. Got questions? During our Open House Training Sessions, we’ll tackle the biggest problems and points of confusion from our members. We can’t give any personal investment advice…

But if there’s ever been something about the market or trading strategies you’d like to know… Click on this link to submit your questions!